Hot Zone
The Hot Zone Deer Exclosure System from Non-Typical Wildlife Solutions is a complete kit that allows you to manage browse pressure on your food plots, to ensure maximum plot success. Over browsing can cause a limited plot production, or even complete plot failure. Protect your investment of time, money, and labor in plot establishment. Maintain control over when deer can access any particular food source. Once a food plot reaches proper maturity and can withstand heavy browse pressure, the system can be easily be deactivated to allow deer in. Just add a 12 volt deep-cycle battery and turn on.
- Protects up to a 1/2 acre
- Easy set up and take down
- Integrated solar charging system for use in remote areas
- Dual-perimeter electric containment system
- Battery Type: 12-Volt
- Plot Area: 0.5 acre
$18.99 $19.99
$28.95 $29.95
$18.99 $19.99
$18.95 $19.95
$13.95 $14.95
$18.95 $19.95
$18.95 $19.95
$23.99 $24.99
$28.99 $29.99
$18.95 $19.95
$18.99 $19.99
$8.95 $9.95
$16.45 $17.45
$8.95 $9.95
$16.45 $17.45
$16.45 $17.45
$21.95 $22.95