Red Laser -
Tactical weaver style detachable mount with locking cross bar, equipped with an on-off button, laser sight is made from tough lightweight aluminum. Includes 3 LR-44 Lithium batteries and tools. Description: Red Laser Pistol / Rifle Sight Tube Diameter: 15mm Output Power: 5mW Wavelength: 635-655nm Max Reach Capacity: 500 yds Adjustment Type: Allen wrench Battery Type: LR-44 Lithium 3 batteries included Warranty: Manufacturer 1 Year Limited.
$38.97 $39.97
$154.99 $155.99
$82.99 $83.99
$49.97 $50.97
$118.99 $119.99
$118.99 $119.99
$38.99 $39.99
$98.99 $99.99
$269.58 $270.58
$351.93 $352.93
$149.99 $150.99
$149.99 $150.99
$234.99 $235.99
$108.99 $109.99
$1,089.00 $1,090.00
$939.00 $940.00
$910.00 $911.00
$98.99 $99.99
$118.99 $119.99